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Prepping when times are tough

There are a lot of things going on right now that can make us all feel scared for the future--even the present. Our hearts and prayers are with everyone dealing with imminent disaster from storms, and I know many are currently in danger of oncoming hurricanes, which of course is just terrifying. Many of us are also worried about the political climate with this being an election year, the port strikes, and general unrest. It can all seem like so much to think about and plan for. 


I just want to remind you that you were made to be here in this moment, and you can rise to the occasion of caring for yourself and your family wherever you are. Sometimes we have tendencies to get consumed with the media at times like this, understandably watching and reading everything we can to know what is on the horizon. Don't forget to bring it back to the basics that you know: keep a regular schedule as best you can for your family, don't let the kids get too wrapped up in the current hysterias, and manage your household. 


Really, the best thing you can bring to the table is stability. Your kids can look back on your house (or wherever you are if you've been displaced) as a place of constancy in a turbulent world. You can bring them that safe space where even when everything's going to heck, they know Mom is still running the show. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, prayer, playtime, routines. These things, especially when things are nuts, will be lifelines your kids can grasp and carry on into their own adult lives. 


So, even if fall feels more like things falling apart, don't let those feelings overwhelm you. Go apple picking, pick out costumes, bake fun autumn favorites, do the things that are normal even in abnormal times. Because God is our rock and we are secure in Him even when the waves are crashing around us. 


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