One thing that may get forgotten in the daily chaos of planning meals for a whole family is the snacks. Having a snack plan can be as important as having a dinner plan, especially for your budget. If you're out and about without snack plans, things can unravel so quickly. Kids eating expensive, unhealthy fast food that costs way too much or else just scrambling to find something when everyone is getting hangry definitely are scenarios I try to avoid as much as I can. Better for the wallet, health, and Mom's sanity is to try and be prepared with some quick, budget friendly snacks.
Here are a few ideas I try to have on hand for us at home or on the go:
Hard boiled (or deviled) eggs : Simple, yummy, protein filled, and cheap.
Fruit : Easy enough, and don't underestimate what a fan favorite it is when you bust out some cutie oranges, strawberries or even good old apple slices. Whatever is in season is good for us. My kids are allowed to eat fruit anytime they want and it curbs those cravings for sugary, processed snacks.
Homemade popsicles: I use a silicone popsicle mold and prep with smoothies or juice for a winning treat anytime of day.
Popcorn: Another easy hit at our house is popcorn. It's versatile enough to be able to be a salty or sweet treat, and it's much more affordable (especially if you make it yourself like in the instant pot) than pre packaged chips.
Cheese: Another great calcium rich, protein packed snack is cheese. String cheese or slices can work or just cutting up chunks and putting them in baggies so they're ready to hand out.
Peanut butter spoons: If your kids are fans of peanut butter, one thing you can try is loading a spoon with a big dab of peanut butter and handing it out or bagging it up for later. (We like to put chocolate chips on these sometimes, too! ) You can also make your own peanut butter cracker sandwiches on saltines or on celery.
Nuts: Nuts are a healthy, nutrient dense food that are often a great choice for kids. Of course, you need to make sure your kids are able to handle them without choking, but buying a large container of nuts and splitting into smaller portions is a great option for an on-the-go nutritious treat.
Homemade treats like protein balls (ones made with oats are usually very inexpensive) are a great way to give your kids a healthy, yummy pick-me-up.
Any bulk snacks can be split up for much cheaper. Pretzels, crackers, raisins, whatever suits your family.
Although these may be ideas you're already using, it never hurts to get back to the basics and remind yourself that simple often is the best choice for health and your wallet. I hope some of these will work for your family!